Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Timonthydelaghetto's newest Youtube Video is racist

Timothydelaghetto (Traphik) aka Tim Chantarangsu has uploaded a spinoff of the viral youtube video series 'Epic Mealtime'. Instead of the regular setup of pounds and pounds of meat with a calorie count that could feed a whole neighborhood, Tim does it a bit different. The twist? It's racist.

With that said, many viewers would be offended. But, hey. It's Tim. It's not like him to not come off at least a little bit offensive. Check out No Racial (The new "No Homo"). Besides the ridiculousness of it all, Tim is being sarcastic and using all the satire he can in this skit.  Personally, I think it's a great idea. Not only was it funny, but hopefully it got people to think a little about stereotypes and racism. It might seem funny to poke fun at someone of another race, but really, it's just silly and makes you look like an ignorant person.

J. Reyez is back with a new MV

J. Reyez is back with Tycoon in this new MV based on Jay-Z and Kanye West's "Niggas in Paris". The video was titled, "Chiggers in Paris" but was taken down and reuploaded as "Niggas in Paris Remix."

I'm not one for rap, but J.Reyez is pretty good. Plus, he has improved. I've been seeing satire used a lot lately to debunk stereotypes and show how silly they are. Some artists have done well, but others have failed. J. Reyez is certainly one of those who can talk about stereotypes in his songs and make you think.

Good luck to J.Reyez on his new album.
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